Thursday, October 26, 2006

Happy Birthday Sis!!!!

Ok...I know you have been checking to see if I was going to forget in my old age and not wish you a happy birthday....HA!  I didn't forget....just wanted to make you wait and wonder! 


 I can't believe that I am wishing my baby sister a Happy 19th Birthday Brittany!  WOW!  Does that really make me feel old!!!  And it really doesn't seem really does seem like only recently when I first met you....and yes I do remember the first day you came home from the hospital....since I was the ripe old age of 12!  You have grown into a gorgeous young woman!   Even though we don't live close and don't see each other much....just want you to know that Shane and I keep up with you and your accomplishments and that we are proud of you and what you have become!  Keep up all the hard work!  Good luck in your classes at the University of Houston this fall and in all you do in life!  Love you Britt!!!


Brittany said...

Aww thanks! I love and miss you guys a ton. I like the pictures you put up. What a cutie i was...and still am. Lol just kidding. I'm thinking about going to school up north to be closer to everyone. What do you think?

Jamie said...

What a sweet tribute to your sister! I hope you and your family have a great weekend.


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