You know our days and nights are pretty routine...I mean our schedule doesn't change that much. We try to be consistent and structured. The kids know what to expect and we pretty much stick to other words we are pretty boring! HA! Yesterday I went to one of my most frequented places and bought this for the girls. I can't believe that they have never seen it! I think I watched it hundreds of times when I was growing up! So anyway, I was determined to get them to watch it tonight. I mean come is a great movie! So while we were eating our supper, we decided to sit down and watch the movie. Soccer practice had been canceled, homework was done, baths had been tonight we are going to sit down together and watch this oh so cute movie! What was I thinking? Did I forget that my girls are such big chickens? One is almost in tears because of the sea witch and the other is saying "I am never going to watch this again!" and the whole time I am thinking it is going to be nightmare city in the Jewell household tonight. Well it is now 11 PM and nobody has been out of bed or been screaming out yet, so maybe we are safe from any bad dreams.
I know Parker is out like a light for the remainder or the evening. Shane took him to the pediatrician this morning (just to be on the safe side...after our little episode earlier this year with him) I figured that he just had a nasty cold and pretty much that is what the doctor said. Yucky nose, a little cough, watery eyes, but still a big cheesy grin everytime you smile at him. That's my boy! He is such a great baby! We are truly enjoying every minute with him! Anyway, back to my story....the doctor gave Shane some samples to help dry up all the (
SNOT) I mean secretions! This must be some strong stuff! He is only taking a 1/2 teaspoon per dose and it just flat puts him to sleep. This afternoon I kept going in to check on him and watch him to make sure he was still breathing. I know, I know....but I am sure that I am not the only Mama to ever do that!
We got a good rain here tonight and I am glad because we needed it! That is the main reason that we didn't have soccer practice and I am sure that it cooled things off outside too. Tomorrow is Mallory's last day of school for awhile. Next week she gets a mini-vacation with a fall break she will be off school on M-W. I think we are going to try to go to a children's museum and the library and just hang out together a little bit. She is in need of a short break. I can tell the the newness is starting to wear off...last night she said, " Mama, can I just check out early tomorrow? " I just chuckled under my breath and we go!
I am working on a post for later with some really cool (or at least what I consider really cool) links that I have found tonight while searching on the world wide web. There are some really interesting and informative sites out there that I have never seen nor heard of and I think they look like something that would be very helpful with scrapbooking and really just a variety of things. Be looking for that information in the very near future! The internet can be such a valuable tool and such fun too! I know this post tonight is long, but thanks for reading...just had a lot to tell about tonight.
More later on...and have a great night!
I LOVE that pic of Parker. There is nothing cuter than a sleeping baby!
I got the Little Mermaid too! As soon as I bought it, I went and watched it. It makes me feel like a little girl again. I'm sad the girls don't like it. Tell them Aunty Brittany said don't be scared because it's one of the best movies ever. Hehe. Love and miss you all!
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