Sunday, December 31, 2006

Celebration and Post #2...and more to come! :)

By this time it is Tuesday night, of the week that precedes Christmas, and school is basically over till next year (2007)...Mallory had to go Wednesday, but just for half a no biggie!

Anyhow, we got the call on Tuesday that Shane's mama had been put in the local hospital with pneumonia!  That's not good!  We were of course concerned about Nannie (aka Shane's mama) and wanted to check on her...but at the same time, didn't want to expose the kids to the hospital because of all the sickness that we had been hearing about and witnessing around here. Soooo....Shane kept watch on that situation and we kept checking on her by phone....and Shane went to visit by himself at the hospital, when he went. 

By Thursday, it was catching up with me and...

  •  I still had a little shopping to do,
  • we were supposed to be having Christmas with family here in Athens on Friday (but still weren't sure about that) because of Nannie being in the hospital,
  • and then supposed to leave early on Saturday morning to travel to Indiana to be with my side of the family for a few days to celebrate....
  • YEAH RIGHT!!!  GO AHEAD....START LAUGHING NOW!!!!  :)  (it gets better)

So on Thursday morning...I know that Parker officially needs to go to the doctor, because I think he has ANOTHER ear infection...if so, this will make our fifth! (I think in like two months!!!)  So I call, get him an appt. and away we the meantime...Shane is coming home early and that helps because when I get home...I needed the help!!  LOL 

The doctor checked my little man out and decided that he DEFINITELY had infection in his ears again...which translates to more antibiotics and in our case a trip to our ENT next week...which means tubes...most likely!!!!  Plus, here is the conversation:

Doc: (listening to breathing)  Have you noticed that he is wheezing?

Me:  Uhhh...maybe a little, but I have noticed that he has a bad cough.

Doc: (still listening to Parker breathing) Well it doesn't sound like a pneumonia...sounds like RSV.  He could have gotten it anywhere, a lot of us have it but our bodies fight it better.  He is ok...but we are going to start treating him for RSV with medication and you need to consider him contagious.

Me: probably doesn't need to be exposed to other babies and definitely doesn't need to be around his Nannie? (I explained the situation) and go ahead and get our appt. with the ENT now?

Doc:  Right....but he will be alright...don't worry....

Me: Ok...thank you!

Now by this time, I am thinking if I can just get out the door and get home...then I can DEAL!

I will take all this in and figure out a game plan!  Oh, how silly I am!!!!

So we went home, stayed home and in the house, Shane came home, I went out and tackled the last of the shopping on Thursday night and Friday!  Thank you Shane!  I couldn't do it without you!  You're a rock!!!

Now, we are supposed to go to Uncle Butch's and Aunt Vickie's on Friday night and Nannie is still in the hospital, but we are going to have a meal together still and decide that we will celebrate after the New Year together later....(See Nannie had already planned to have us all over to a good home cooked meal on Friday night....but her plans changed! )

And that is ok...presents will wait and food will wait....we just want her to feel better!

So we did go to Friday night to eat and spend time together and we had a good time as usual!  Good food, great company, good laughs!  Here are just a few pix from that night...

Uncle Butch and Aunt Vickie got the girls gift certificates to the local movie cinema!  Great Idea!  The loved it!  I think we will use it to try to see Charlotte's Web.

Parker's gift...this think is hilarious...and funny to see Parker respond to it!

Always fun...Good times!!!

And of course I saved the BEST for last!!!!  Finally found a hat that fit! The story on that is that Shane and my kids all have trouble with hats and shirts fitting over the I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him put this thing on his head!!!  The ring leader...putting on a show for us!









This seat, Bumbo, is awesome!  Wish I had bought one sooner because I know Parker won't be in it long....but it is as good as all the reviews I read!!!

Next stop....and Christmas Happenings Post #3....Indiana....stick with me!   :)


Telah said...

All I have to say is... "Bless your heart!"

Karla Dudley said...

Girl you are crazy!!!!! I am glad eveything will be ok though! And your husband....I just peed my pants!!!! Too hillariouse!
Later girl -Karla

Jamie said...

Well... it sounds like your Christmas festivities were about as chaotic as ours. HA!!
I hope you are able to recover in the new year.

Amyd said...

It takes a real man to don a hat like that!!!!!!!!!


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