Friday, January 12, 2007

Five on Friday...

First of all,  let me give a shout out to one of my good friends Telah...we were discussing today about trying some new things with our blogs... and I think that I have come up with a plan from some things from what I have seen out there on others blogs.  Telah came up with this Five on Friday...and I love it!  Great idea Telah!!!

So from here on out...I am going to do my best to post Five on Friday.  I am gonna add the linking part of the post at the bottom...for anybody who wants to participate.  I know there are others out there like Thursday Thirteen and Works for Me Wednesday...that you can link to and I think that is so neat.  So, I am going to try it.  Hopefully, if it works you can link up and we can get a good number participating.  If you have any other prompts for posting....share them with us all and let us know about them!  I like the idea of having a structured topic to help guide my thoughts and it gives your readers something to look forward to.

Five Things I That I Use Everyday:

  1. My Laptop: Yes, this is something I use a whole lot during each day!!!  I use it for conversations, entertainment, studying, contacting others, banking, business....just all sorts of things....and it is hard to imagine life without it...honestly!  Let's face it....I use my laptop as much or more than probably anything else I own....and I am glad too...because without it I wouldn't be meeting all of you wonderful people. 

  2. Lysol WipesUse these things all the time...for wiping down countertops, bathrooms, door handles, toys, etc....I need to count someday and see how many I use in a day!

  3. The MicrowaveThis is a necessity...especially when you have kids.  I use my microwave soooo much each day. 

  4. The Diaper GenieMan, I used this a lot today!  I am so thankful for it too!  Whew...can't imagine having a baby without it! 

  5. My DeodorantOh yes, can't go without this on any given day.  Although, I don't think I stink...:)  I just don't feel fully "dressed" without it! 

Links to other Five On Friday participants:


Telah said...

Thought I'd link back to mine :)

Karla Dudley said...

I have to use my PATIENCE with these kiddos!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! Thanks for droppin' by and leavin' your love honey! Your kids are precious!!!!!!
Hope to chat with you soon honey

Bethany said...

I added myself to the links...I'm excited to join in!

Jolene George said...

Good idea your 5!


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