Monday, January 22, 2007

You Who?...Single parenting...100 sweet little boy...and a spark in creativity???

Now that I have your attention!!!  Are you wondering what all this has in common or how is it linked?  Well, I am not sure that it all is...but it hopefully got your attention...and I am going to do my best to explain how this all links stick with me and keep on reading!

First, let me just say that I have really enjoyed this new venture into blogging and all the new friends I have made and for the super sweet comments that some of you have sent my way! THANKS FOR VISITING SO FAITHFULLY!!!  However, I am going to make a plea to all you blog lurkers out there...thank you for visiting...but please DE-LURK(in other words...don't just be lurking around) and leave some comments.  I know there are many people out there that are visiting and silently leaving...with no input or comments.  Come on .... show some love!!!  :)  I want to hear from all my visitors! So my plea to you is...break the lurking habit....branch brave and bold and leave me some comments!   So there you go...that is the answer to the first question in the title of this post...You Who?  Let me know WHO YOU are????  :)

Single parenting - No, I am not a single parent...and let me just say that those of you who are...YOU DESERVE A MEDAL!!! Occasionally, I get a small taste of what it might be like to be a single mom of three...and it just makes me sooooooooo thankful for my husband and all the help he gives me with the kiddos.  I know that one, two, three days or short snippets of time aren't true representations of single parenthood...but they allow you to get an idea of how it is to have to go from wake up till sleepy time with no help and all on your own...and boy it is tough sometimes!

100 Days of School - Today Mallory celebrated 100 days of First grade...Where does the time go?  I mean seriously, I can't believe my baby is already half-way through first grade!!! So we started last week with some projects for homework to prepare for her 100th Day Celebration!  She started off by making a poster of 100 we brainstormed and came up with the idea to use some of my scrapping supplies and make a poster with 100 flower stamps on it.  Mallory's assignment was to make her poster counting to 100 by 5' I found 20 different flower stamps and she did 5 of each all over her poster and titled it 100 Flowers in My Garden.  It was too cute!  But, guess what?  I didn't get a picture before I sent her off to school with it...I will get one though when she brings it home and show you all later.  However, I did get another picture of one of our projects to share with you all!  Mallory also had to count out 100 edible something's to take to school today.  Every child was supposed to bring 100 edible items and then they were going to combine them all and make a snack mix!  Mallory took white chocolate chips...of course Kennedy had to help her count them out and then of course after counting 100...they had to cash in on the opportunity to eat few.  Also, I had volunteered a couple of weeks ago to make a cake to help with the snacks for today's celebration! (For those of you who don't know...before I started being a SAHM...I taught kindergarten and first grade for six any chance I get, I try to help a little...mainly because I know how tough those teachers work on a daily basis and I know how much they appreciate any help parents can give!)  So, Mallory's teacher asked for a simple cake for today and I decided to try and connect it to 100 this is what I came up with...

Picture_199 We baked a simple yellow cake, topped it with chocolate frosting and then exactly 100 M&M's on top...Mallory loved it!  She and Kennedy helped with it a little and it was a lot of fun!


She came home today and had done a lot of fun things at school and said the cake was a hit! But, my finicky child....she didn't even try one bite of the cake!!!  WHAT?  Weird!  Come is cake with choc. frosting???  Yummo!

One sweet little boy - My little Parker is soooo sweet!  He is such a good baby and even with all the crud he has been going through lately...he still is the best little baby!

I mean come have two older sisters and to let them play with you like you are a doll...and never even that is just plain GOOD!


Mallory and Kennedy decided to wrap up their brother and play with him like he was their baby...oh how funny!  Poor little guy...he has no idea what he is in for over the next few years!!!  :)


Picture_186 Oh and by the way...for all of you  readers who posted such sweet comments about Parker's surgery....THANK YOU! He is still struggling some...with low grade fever and the doctor switched him today to antibiotic ear drops...which are absolutely NO FUN when you have just had tubes put in your ears...and he took him off the oral antibiotic.  Hopefully, within the next week or so all this will be better and he will be well on the road to recovery.  He is such a trooper!   

And finally...a spark in creativity!  Yes, I am a scrapbooker and many of you may be...however, until now I have never posted any photos of my work on my blog.  Mainly this is because I can't ever seem to get a good picture.  But, I am putting that excuse away for now.  I don't have a great scanner(...although, I would LOVE to have a great scanner to use with my scrapping projects...HINT, HINT) so I will just try to get the best pictures that I can up here and it will just have to do.  I have just recently got out of my funk and really back into scrapping and using my creativity...and I want to share it.  I have gotten so many good ideas from others and so I thought I should share and maybe something I post will give you a creative spark too!  Here are just a few pictures...I am planning on doing some re-organizing on my blog over the next few days and I am planning on putting up a album of some of my layouts and finished projects.  So you can be looking for that by the end of the week...if you are interested.

Happiness Paper Bag Album...that I finally finished!


Some cards that I have made...




Ok...I guess I better stop for now...before someone starts falling asleep reading this long post.  I promise tomorrow won't be this long!  LOL

Tomorrow is Tunes on Tuesday and I got a good one picked out!  Have a great night!  See ya tomorrow....and don't forget....stop being a "Blog Moocher" Telah likes to call it...and let me know you stopped by!!!!

More later... 


Kimberly said...

Looks like ya'll have been busy! Hope the little guy feels better soon! Your cards are so pretty! Wish I had time to make cards. Hope to see you at our next crop.

Jamie said...

Happy Tuesday Heather!
Love the cake! You did a great job. I hope Parker is feeling better this week. Both of my little ones have been sick + we were out of town last week so I feel a little behind around here. Sorry for the lack of comments lately!
I love seeing all your scrap projects. Keep them coming...
Love Ya!

Jolene George said...

I have LOTS of lurkers too, so I know what you mean. I love getting comments.
The cake is perfect for the 100 day celebration. It wasn't that long ago that my kids did that.
I love all of your creative pieces. They are so pretty. You're so talented Heather!

Leah said...

Love the 100 cake.. I bet that was fun counting out 100 m&m's LOL!
And it's about time you put some of your creative stuff on here!

Bethany said...

Okay, I'm not a know I love your blog! That cake looks so yummy, what a cute idea for 100th day!
By the are so creative! Please keep posting your designs!

Patty said...

So glad to hear that Parker is feeling better. We have been thinking about him a lot. The cards you made are really cute. You're very creative. I am also trying to get back to it. I'm getting my room cleaned up and re-organized so I can get busy.


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