Saturday, September 30, 2006

A little synopsis of our week...

Wow!  I didn't realize how much I used the internet until we haven't had a good connection for the last few days.  Sorry that I have not posted much lately, but between a busy schedule, slow internet connection and being exhausted....I just have slacked off.  Today has started off busy already...but I wanted to take a minute or two and sit down and catch up a little on this weeks happenings.  Plus I am trying to learn how to insert images into a post and not having much be patient with me and maybe someday soon I will master it.   

I thought I might include a photo of each child showing what we have been working on this week around our house and at school.  This week Mallory's class studied about apples and on Thursday they studied about Johnny Appleseed and did some really cute class activities.  I was fortunate enough to get to go and help out that morning and had a great time.  Picture_236_1Mrs. Jackson did a great job and had everything organized and ready to roll when the parents showed up and everything went very smoothly.  The children seemed to love the activites while at the same time learning a lot about apples and about Johnny Appleseed that they didn't already know.  In fact, I learned several things too that I have never heard before.  What a fun day!

Kennedy also has been blossoming lately and wanting to do more big girl stuff...and painting, of course, is one of her favorite things to do. Picture_206_1 She does a pretty good job of it too.  I took some picture of her playing Picasso this week and trying her had at some watercolors.  She really enjoyed...especially the part about not having to share the paint or the brush with her sister. 

Of course, I can't forget to mention our little man.  He is growing up so fast.  I took some pictures of him last night in his little seat...we are trying to get him to sit and play, but after a few minutes of it he is tired of trying to hold up his head and gives up and wants out.  At least he tries though!  He will get it eventually and I am sure that once he starts to move more and figure things out...I will have my hands even more full and be wondering what can I do to slow him down.  Last night was one of the good nights that he stayed in his little toy long enough for me to get some really cute pictures.Picture_246

This morning so far we have already had a soccer game and been cleaning up the house.  Shane is out working in the garage and the girls are playing with the Lite Bright in their room.  Parker is sleeping for a little while.  I am enjoying the low hum from the girls voices and the sound of nothing.  Yeah for me!

Actually, we have the windows and the front door open because it is so beautiful outside today and I can hear the birds, smell the fresh air, and the breeze feels great.  What a beautiful world that God created for us to enjoy!

This afternoon we are going to watch BAMA play against Florida.  That ought to be a good game.  We have supper plans for the evening and then hopefully will get the kids down early for bedtime.  I have a few errands to run today and then just some relaxing time at home.  I love days like this!  Hope you all have a great fall day!  More later on...


Amy Mowbray said...

Your blog is looking great. And your kids are so adorable!


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