Monday, September 25, 2006

Thought and a great way to start my morning off...

This day has started off just as normal as every other day.

  • Woke up
  • Packed Mallory's snack for school
  • Got out her clothes
  • Picked up house and started a load of laundry
  • Helped Mallory get dressed and made sure her backpack was ready to go out the door with her
  • Fixed Mallory's hair
  • Sent Shane and Mallory out the door with a hug and a kiss and a Have a great day!
  • Checked my email
  • Heard small little feet running down the hallway just as I was reading my email
  • Made breakfast for Kennedy and turned on Handy Manny (a new Disney cartoon...which really is pretty cool)
  • Made breakfast for myself and a cup of iced tea and decided to flip my calendar and read the thought for today....
  • which in turn made me want to share it with all of you
  • so here it is:

Father,  My prayer is that I would learn to trust You more.  It's such a comfort to know that my life is in Your hands, and the circumstances surrounding me are in Your control.  Remind me daily that choosing to be happy is an option.  May I find my strength in Your joy. 

I don't always like the thoughts on each day or even agree with them....but this one just made me stop and think about the day ahead and how I should approach it.  Just something to think about.

One thing I am learning with posting on this website and using it as sort of like my that it is motivating me to write more of my thoughts and feelings.  Which in turn makes me take a look at my own life and to work on some things that I need to work on.  But it also gives me an avenue to express about everyday happenings and life events that I never really took notice of or kept track of before....and I want to be more vigilant in doing that.  I realized that a lot of things that my kids did or said slipped by me too many times.....but this allows me to sit down and record those things very quickly and then go back and reflect on them I get to share them with all of you.

I mentioned that I am going to organize my posts in some sort of fashion...this is one thing I got from some other websites I have been looking at.  Later today I am going to post about Milestone Monday and then on Tuesdays....I am going to try something called Ten for Tuesday.  We will see how it goes....

Thanks for all the emails and sweet comments about the website.  Hope you continue to enjoy it as much as I enjoy updating it.  Please keep commenting under the posts!  I really enjoying reading them and I try to reply to them as I can.  Also, if you are reading the posts and want to give your answers to the quizzes.....please post them.  We would love to read what everyone else's answers are....and it is a great way to get to know people better.  It is really easy to do....if you can type, then you can post.....just click on the word comments under each post and type your info.  We would love to hear from you!

Have a good morning and a great day....more later....:)



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