Saturday, September 23, 2006

Quiz #1

Been reading and looking through a new magazine called Scrapbooking Shortcuts with quizzes and questions.  It is really great and gives some really great quizzes and thought provoking questions to help you brainstorm and get the creative juices flowing.  I am going to attempt to include some of these quizzes periodically in my posts.  So for tonight .... here is the first one that I did.  Please feel free to post a reply and answer the same questions to help everyone get to know each is only ten questions and these are pretty easy:

Quiz #1

  1. The last person I sent a card to : I believe it was a thank you card to the Smith’s
  2. What I ate for lunch today: Chicken nuggets and a coke            
  3. Something I just learned: how to BLOG
  4. My favorite song this year: Believe by Brooks and Dunn
  5. The last book I read: My bible and Lisa Bearnson’s third book
  6. What I am wearing right now: plaid fleece pajamas
  7. The last phone call I made: to Shane in Wal-Mart from my cell phone
  8. Inside, I don’t feel very different from when I was (how old)? 20
  9. The last restaurant I ate at was? Chik-fil-A
  10. My favorite TV show is: Law and Order: SVU

It is still raining here this evening...but I am not complaining.  Thank you God for the wonderful sound of the rain hitting the roof.  We needed it so badly and it is such a refreshing sound. 

I think it has pretty much been raining all day here.  What about where you are?

Just want to say thank you all for all the kind words, comments, and emails that you have been leaving about this website.  I am really enjoying developing it and hope it becomes a tool for my family and for yours.  I have already met several new people and am hoping to get to know many of you better. 

Also, thank you to many of you who have emailed or asked about our friends that were mentioned in an earlier post.  They are still going through a very difficult time and have a difficult road ahead of them but they are a precious family.  They are strong people.  They rely upon God and prayer and they covet your prayers.  Without being too detailed, please just remember to pray for the Norris family and for God to help them deal with their tremendous loss.  Prayer is so powerful and is the best help we can give them!  Thanks! 


Telah said...

Oh My...Heather...some of these questions are making me think more than I need to this late at night. :) Let's see...
1) I sent an e-card to my SIL this week...does that count?
2)Lots of yummy salads at a Ladies Day
3)That regular alkaline batteries DO work in my digital camera
4)For the year, probably "Bad Day" but I am REALLY tired of it now.
5)At First Sight by Nicholas Sparks and my Bible
6)Khaki capris and pear-green shirt
7)Daniel at home from my cell phone
10)CSI when I have time to watch TV
OK There you go...I'll have to get that magazine to see if I can get some creative juices flowing.
Oh, and I am loving the rain too!
Thank the Lord because He knew how bad we needed it.

Leah said...

1.The last person I sent a card to : It would have been a batch of thank you cards. We've been blessed with so many baby gifts!
2.What I ate for lunch today: Cheese Raviolli with Meat Sauce
3.Something I just learned: That Target and Wal-Marts Pampers prices are exactly the same. :o)
4.My favorite song this year: The Lighthouse - Nickle Creek
5.The last book I read: My bible and Your Momma Don't Dance(Parenting book by Cindy and Glenn Colley)
6.What I am wearing right now: T-shirt and Sweat Pants
7.The last phone call I made: to John at work
8.Inside, I don’t feel very different from when I was (how old)? 22
9.The last restaurant I ate at was? Camino Real
10.My favorite TV show is: American Idol


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