Sunday, September 24, 2006

Quiz #2

  1. My current occupation is:  homemaker
  2. My dream job is:  my current job
  3. If I could live anywher in the world, it would be:  hmmm....not sure on that one....but would like to live closer to my family
  4. If I could be someone famous, it would be:  really don't want to be famous, but think Laura Bush is pretty cool
  5. If I had a million dollars, the first thing I would buy is:  some things that missionaries in foreign countries are needing desperately right now
  6. The best birthday gift I could receive would be:  anything my kids make me
  7. Wen I was a teen ager, I thought that at my age I would be a:  missionary
  8. The goals I am currently working on are: reading my Bible more, memorizing scripture in Psalm, keeping a journal, being more consistent with my discipline
  9. When I am 80, I hope I am doing: Breathing :)
  10. The person I'd like to be more like is:  Jesus


Telah said...

1)Wife and mother
2)same as above
3)Right here where I'm at
4)an inventor of a really cool scrapbook product
5)I'd pay off all my debts
6)a get-away with my family
7)a teacher
8)being a better Christian wife/mother, getting my house completely organized, about ten thousand other to-do lists that I've started!
9)On the porch with my sweetie
10)Jesus....and Cindy Colley


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