Sunday, September 24, 2006

A new week and new goals to reach...

I love Sundays.  Not just because it is the day that our whole family goes to worship together with people that we call friends and family....but because it is refreshing and it signifies beginning.  It is the new is a time for list making ..... goal setting..... wishful thinking for the week to come.  I love Sundays because it is a relaxing day and sometimes even a nap day....not often, but sometimes.  I love Sundays because my girls are so excited to go to Bible class and that excites me and makes me know that we are doing something right as parents to have them more excited about going to class than sitting in front of the television and staring into space.  I love Sundays....because every now and then....when I am not wrestling kids....I can listen to a message and gather a new idea or thought to apply to my life that helps me to grow stronger as a person, as a wife, as a mother, as a friend.  Sundays are awesome!  Life seems to slow down just a little bit and things seem to stand still for just a small moment in time.  Which is just the way we need it to be sometimes.

I have decided to try and organize my posts on a daily theme.....if I can work it stay tuned.....tomorrow should be interesting. 

More later and have a good night!


Brittany (your sister) said...

I miss you guys!

Heather said...

We miss you too and really want to see you! I wish your schedule would allow you to fly out here for a weekend or something....are you going to Indiana in October?

Telah said...

Amen! I'm with you totally on Sundays.

Traci said...

I know we don't know each other, but since you posted on my blog, I don't figure you'll mind if I post on yours. I love your site, by the way! Thanks so much for this post on Sundays. I actually tend to dread Sundays because I feel like I fight with my children through services and don't get much out of it myself. Plus they are off their daily schedules on Sundays. But I'm going to start looking at it from your perspective and try and appreciate them more. Thanks for giving me something to think about. I was thinking about memorizing verses from Psalms. What exactly are you memorizing?

Brittany said...

no i wont be able to :( but i am gonna try to come up around christmas. maybe me and dad. not sure yet!


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