Friday, February 26, 2010

Another one bites the dust!

Kennedy pulled another tooth! She is getting good at this and doesn't want me to even come close now when she has a loose tooth! (That might have something to do with the fact that Gram pulled a loose tooth during Christmas Break without telling Kennedy that she was going to do it....hint...hint) :)
It had been loose for a little while and she came home on Weds. telling me she was sad because she couldn't even eat her rice krispy treat at snack time....because it hurt her tooth to try and bite into the treat! Well, I knew then that the tooth was ready to come out. Kennedy LOVES rice krispy treats and if she didn't eat it at snack time....that was a sure sign.
So, we ate supper and went on to church that night. After class was over and we were all sitting in the auditorium...during the time that the invitation was being given...she YANKED it out! She was so excited and started trying to get sweet Mikayla's attention (she sits in front of us at church). It was a fun night and so funny to see how excited that she was about loosing her first top tooth! She had fun the next morning drinking her juice...she said..."Mama, look the straw fits in the spot where I lost my tooth!" Needless to say, she is having lots of fun being a snaggletooth this week!
Hard to believe that all of the kids are just GROWING UP sooooo fast! I can't believe that this little precious will turn 7 yrs. old on Sunday! I know it is inevitable....but I am selfish about my babies!


~Telah said...

Andrew still hasn't lost a tooth yet! He really wants to!


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