Saturday, November 18, 2006

Long time, no blogging!

I cannot believe that it has been nearly two weeks since I last blogged on this website.  Where has the time gone?  What have I been doing?  This month seems to have flown is almost Turkey Day....WOW!!!  Before you know it, the Big guy himself will be coming down the chimney to visit and leave lots of toys for the good little boys and girls under the tree. 

I have a lot to catch up on!  Or maybe I should say I have a lot to catch you up on....a lot to tell you much so that I don't even know where to begin. 

Right now is as good as any time.  It is almost 1am and I am sitting in my room here....on my new little gem that my sweet hubby got for me....well at least that is what I am being told :)....and it is quiet, peaceful, and relaxing.  I can think and can type a complete thought without a child breaking my train of thought....and boy does it seem strange.  I miss my kiddos....but I know they are in excellent hands and having a great time with their daddy! 

I came up here for a weekend crop with some dear friends of mine and so far I have managed to accomplish a couple of small tasks off of my lists of things I wanted to get done this weekend. 

Here are just a few of the things that I want to do this weekend to start getting back in the scrapping grove and get caught all help me stay accountable and let's see how many of them I get done by Sunday evening when I get home!

  1. Complete two binders to use as art albums for my girls artwork from school and church....instead of housing it in a box in my closet
  2. Finish Christmas gifts for grandparents.
  3. Make a sizeable dent in the Karen Foster calendar I am working on for next year....hopefully at least get up to the middle of the year
  4. Finish a 4x6 album called Mama's brag book to carry in my bag to show off my kiddos when someone asks me if I have any recent pictures....which inevitably happens every time I run into someone that I haven't seen in a few months.
  5. Work on and complete LB album kits from the last TSV set offered here.  I have all the kits that have been mailed to me and unfortunately haven't been motivated nor had the chance to finish much of them.

 So this is a good start....let's just see how much of it I get finished!  I am off to bed for now and get some much needed sleep!  My roomie for the weekend, Tandy,  is still scrapbooking and I am anxious to see how long she will last tonight.  But this old body is tired and I can't hold out any I will have to ask her in the morning.

Have a good day and I will post more tonight.....maybe even some pictures.....if I can borrow someone's camera.....I left mine at home!  Oh well!


Telah said...

Oh, how I wish I were back there! My 5 hours with you just came and went. Good Luck and we will expect pictures of your finished products when you return.

Jamie said...

Hi Heather, I hope you had a great time this weekend. Give us an update on what you accomplished.


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