Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Update #7 - Finally, a little more positive update

Today started out to be a much better day for Gram. We got out of the house a little today and she did pretty good...but it didn't take long to wear her out. I knew she would probably over exert herself this morning...but also knew she wanted to get outside of the walls of this off we went. The afternoon and evening were a little tougher. She didn't feel so great and rested on the sofa. However, she finally did eat today. She ate a whole PB & J sandwich...which is more than I have seen her eat in a couple of days...and the fact that she actually wanted it was wonderful! I didn't even have to say...YOU NEED TO EAT! So, that was good! Tomorrow will probably be a resting day...if I had a guess. Friday we go back to the doctor for a couple of tests.
She is still nervous about taking the new heart meds. that the cardiologist prescribed after all this mix-up with the wrong medication being given to her. I am hopeful that I can get her to start on it in the morning.
Good night everyone! Thanks for all your prayers and kind words!



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