I love this picture! I love that Gram is actually smiling...because lately I haven't seen too many of those smiles from her. She hates to have her picture made...and I might be put before a firing squad if she finds out I posted this here...but I will take my chances!
Today was a little bit better day...as far as how Gram was feeling. It started off sort of bumpy but by dinner time she was some better. This morning she was so shaky and she told me her insides just felt like they were jumping around. Her blood pressure was not normal today when I took it. However, it wasn't ever high enough that it really made me nervous.
After yesterdays little escapade with the pharmacy, she was nervous about taking any of her medicines. I tried to reassure that she still needed to take them. So, she took everything but this new medication...so that was acceptable to me. In the morning, she will take her first dose of the new medicine she should have been taking all along.
I sent an update out about yesterday and didn't really have the time to go in depth...still don't because I am falling asleep at the keyboard. :) However, let me try to explain and give it an ending.
I will try not to confuse you too much since the story started out a little complicated.
I took a written script for Imdur to the pharmacy on Friday afternoon...handed it to the pharm. tech and continued my shopping while waiting for the script to be filled. When I had the few grocery items I needed to get...I went back picked up the medicine, talked with the pharmacist about side effects, checked out the label, and then went to checkout and get home.
All of the info on the information sheet was correct or so it seemed and since I didn't actually know the name of the generic of Imdur...I trusted that I was taking home the right medicine to her.
When I got home, I explained it all to her and told her how many times a day to take it, etc.
So, all was well...or so I thought. I won't go into all of the symptoms that she started exhibiting and had for several days...but something wasn't right and I knew it wasn't right! I knew I had to go pick up another script on Monday...because I forgot it while I was over there the first time. So, I thought I would just wait and ask a couple more questions when I went back to the pharmacy. I never even dreamed that I would hear it was the wrong medicine!
I went on over to the pharmacy and told them I needed to pick up B-12 shots for Gram. The lady asked me..."Do you want to pick up both of them now?" I told her there should only be one to pick up and then asked her what the second one was. She stated that the
doctor had called in a script for Imdur (a heart medication). I said I already have picked that up and she has been taking the medicine. She said, "No, he called it on on the 26th (which was the day she had the heart cath. done) I corrected her and told her that the script was written on that day...but I had physically handed her a written script for the Imdur on Friday.
At this point, my heart started racing. I pretty much knew when she said what she said, that there was a problem. I went on to explain that she had been exhibiting unusual symptoms the last few days and I needed to get this straightened out. She asked me to wait and she went to talk to the pharmacist.
I'm standing there waiting at the window, and I hear a bunch of chatter between the tech. and the pharmacist. Then, I hear...."Well, she should be alright." I sort of lost it when I heard that! I quickly told him that she wasn't alright!
I could feel my face getting hot and I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Instead of receiving Imdur (the prescribed medicine) they had sent me home with another lady's blood pressure medicine. Gram's name and this lady's name are exactly the same except for one letter. This lady's last name was Hall and Gram's last name is Hale. The pharmacist came back and talked with me and apologized. Basically, he just said he would be happy to call the doctor or if her symptoms got worse and she had to go to the ER...just tell them to feel free to give him a call. I assured him that I would!
So basically, what was happening was that she was taking TWO blood pressure meds. a day because they gave the wrong medicine to her. No wonder she couldn't hold up her head and was walking like she was drunk!
To me, this is totally unacceptable! I called the cardiologist first thing this morning and that is when the nurse told me that what she was given was one of the strongest blood pressure meds. that is given to patients and that she needed to stop taking it immediately. (I think...Clonidine is the name of the medicine that was sent home with me at first) I talked with her a little bit and she said that if Gram would have continued to take it...the results would not be good! I am supposed to monitor her blood pressures now and there are things to look for and if something isn't right we are to call immediately. Lesson learned: You can't bet that I will be paying even closer attention in the future with scripts she has filled.
Well, I have already made this lengthy enough and I am sleepy...so I will close for the evening.
Once again, thanks to all of our family and friends for their prayers and concern! It means so much!
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