Sunday, June 3, 2007

Isn't she beautiful???

**Explanation:  I haven't forgotten about my promise to keep my blog updated...after I posted last week there were some unexpected events that happened and this is the first time I have been able to sit down and update since my last post...keep reading for more details.

Well, both people in this picture are beautiful to me...but both for very different reasons.  This is a picture that I took last October when were we in Memphis with my grandparents.

I will admit that I don't have a lot of pictures of my grandparents...and believe me, I plan on changing that real is way to short to not make all the memories that you can while you still have the ones you love the most here with you.  (Edited:  I starting typing this post a couple of days ago and since then I was able to get some really good pictures and will put them randomly in this post for you to see)

Let me give you a quick summary of what I am talking about.  About 6:30 am last Wednesday,  I received a phone call from my Papaw telling me that my Gram had suffered a heart attack and was in the hospital.  Emotions were running high and I didn't have much information, nor could I get much at the time from family because there was just so much happening.  I immediately said...We are packing up and will be there as soon as possible.  Now, you have to know that I live 6 to 7 from where she is in the hospital.  Needless to say, Shane and I started slinging clothes and bags and got things ready and hit the road.  We made really good time and arrived at the hospital the evening.

So here is the short of it....basically, she had a heart attack on Tuesday late afternoon and was rushed to the emergency room and later admitted.  The doctor came in late the evening and confirmed that she had indeed had a heart attack.  Early the next morning they took her back for a heart cath. and found one complete blockage and on the opposite side a blood clot that the doctor removed. 

We are home now from the hospital...she got to come home on Friday.  She is doing pretty well and will have some cardiac rehab starting in a couple of weeks and has some new medicines and dietary issues to overcome....but I think she is going to be just fine!  Of course this has been a scary experience and the emotions that she and all of us are having right now....I think are normal....but with time, I think we will eventually all get back into the swing of things.

Here are some precious pictures that we made this afternoon...I love them so much....Gram is not a picture fact normally she won't let you get a good picture of her....but she did this time and I am determined to get more. 

Gram with her grandson Jordan....below, me and Gram

me and my kiddos with this picture

So, instead of going through all the details about what happened to my Gram and about what she still has to go through....I wanted to share with you some lessons that have really hit me hard this week.

  1. Life is too short and you need to make the very best of each minute you have and take advantage of every opportunity you have to tell the ones you love how much you love them.
  2. Memories last take lots of pictures and make lots of memories with those that you love.
  3. Be prepared!  In every way...make sure you have your life in order, make sure you live your life in a way that will help you to get to your final destination in eternity.
  4. Be strong and rely upon your faith to help bring you through tough times.
  5. Prayer is the strongest and most helpful and healing thing you can do for yourself and for those you good and bad times.

And lastly, back to the title of this post....I love this precious lady.  She is so beautiful to me...from outside to in....and although I didn't tell her often enough....I am so grateful that my life has been blessed by her presence  and constant love and support.  She has a beautiful soul and a loving heart!  Her family is one of her greatest treasures and we are all so lucky to have her in our lives!  She is beautiful in every way!

Thanks for reading and letting me share this story with you.  I am planning on updating this week while I am here this week...and now that things have settled down just a bit. 

More later...


Alissa said...

Heather, I am so glad that your grandmother is okay. We will keep your family in our prayers

cheryl said...

Ahh..that was a wonderful post to read this morning!! And your lessons are SO very true!!! Make memories today, and appreciate every moment you have!! And yes, faith and prayer will get you through anything!!
LOVE all the pics!! They are fantastic!

Jamie said...

Your grandmother is beautiful and so is that post about your family.
I hope everything goes smoothly for you guys while you are out of town.
Take Care!

Kimberly said...

Glad everything is going good. That was such a sweet story. Life is too short and we should all be sure we are living the life that will get us to heaven. Have a great day!

Amydc said...

Glad to hear she is doing better.

Renee said...

I'm happy to hear that your grandmother is doing well now. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Amy Mowbray said...

Heather, I hope your Gram continues to do well. She will be in my prayers.

Telah said...

Beautiful story! Thanks so much for sharing! Continuing to pray for your Gram.

Jolene George said...

You're right. Life is too short. We all need that reminder so that we count out blessing and enjoy every minute. I pray that she continues to make good progress.


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