Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Update and goals for the new year...

***Update*** - I am working on the 2007 Photo a Day spot still.  I am trying to get a calendar to put up there with a picture on each box of the calendar day....so far no luck and I have tried a couple of things...If you know how to do that and have a suggestion, please let me know.  Thanks!  I have photos for most of the days in the new year and really want to stick with the challenge...but just don't like the current format!

So Christmas is over...my tree is still up...stockings still hung by the chimney with care...children are nestled all snug in their beds...cause school started back this weekSmileyCentral.com         ...and man...we DEFINITELY needed to get back on a bedtime schedule!  :)  No, I haven't taken down my decorations yet...not really ready to...and I haven't had time to really.  We haven't even celebrated Christmas with Shane's family yet...cause his mother was in the hospital on Christmas day and the rest of us were all sick!SmileyCentral.com

I have been a bad blogger...but am going to try to catch up a little.  I have been a little overwhelmed and pretty busy just being a mama and a wife....you will see why...

I actually feel relief tonight.  I feel like I sort of know now that we are heading in the right direction and that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.  Although, I have tried to remain positive throughout, my little family has had a rough few weeks. Nannie (aka my mother-in-law) came home from a stay in the hospital on Christmas day and has made some improvements.   All three of my kids have been sick...my husband has been sick ...and yes even Mama has been sick.  Kennedy and Parker have both had bad ear infections, fever, and the doctor says...RSV...and is treating them with Albuterol and some steroids.  Not good...but necessary I guess.  Mallory has another sinus infection.  Shane has had ear and sinus infection and the doctor says bronchitis....ok... all this has been going on since the week before Christmas...so you see why have not spent a lot of time posting or commenting on blogs. 

Please know I am NOT complaining...I know that I am still extremely blessed just to rise out of the bed each morning and greet a new day....I am just thankful that we are starting to show some improvement.  And today I finally feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel because the doctor scheduled Parker to get tubes in his ears next Wednesday morning....first thing!  Yeah!  I know that most mama's would not be excited about this....but I have been there done that,  so to speak with the girls....and it has helped tremendously.  I am glad to do it and for him to get them...we are on the 6th ear infection....I think...since late October.  Poor guy!  He just can't get rid of it!!!  Mainly, I just want everyone to get healthy again and feel better.  I feel like all I have done over the last few weeks was take care of sick kiddos and try to keep my head above water to get Christmas "stuff" taken care of...but I intend to change all that .... and to try and regain some sense of normalcy here in this LIFE of mine!  Woo Hoo!

Several friends of mine have posted about their resolutions or goals for the new year of 2007....so I thought I might give it a try too....hopefully I will do better this year and strive to stick to my goals better....I need to be more accountable for these....cause I always seem to make 'em and then never seem to follow through for the whole year....how about you???

Here they are in no particular order....I just made a list of 10 goals...I tried to keep them attainable and doable....I want to really try to improve.

  1. Pray more.
  2. Read to my children each and every night...I NEED to do better about this!
  3. Keep on top of sending cards...birthday, get well, anniversary...etc
  4. Work on one scrapbooking project every week! 
  5. Have family devotional each night after dinner and baths.
  6. Make an effort to take better care of my body and be healthier.
  7. Have one date night per month (time for just me and my wonderful hubby)
  8. Make more of an effort to tell people that I love,  how much I love them and how important they are to me in case I never have that opportunity again....I have had it happen and have regrets that I didn't take advantage of the time I was given....don't want to feel like that again.
  9. Make more time for personal Bible study
  10. Continue to use the Internet to:
  •  meet wonderful new friends,
  •  blog and keep my family and friends updated on what is going on with us,
  • learn more about developing my digital scrapbooking skills and get great new scrapbooking ideas
  • help me get more organized
  • and to improve and learn in the area of photography

Y' all have a good night...working on a post for tomorrow....gonna get back to my daily blogging....or at least do the best I can.  Sure have missed y'all!



More later....and I promise I will be commenting on all your blogs soon....very soon! 

Thanks for visiting!


cherylwray said...

A great update, Heather!! Good to "see" you again!!
LOVE the resolutions. The family devotional time is a great idea. We always do it during Advent, but then don't continue it afterwards. I think it is a wonderful idea and would love to do it sometime.
I also don't have my tree put up yet either. my other decorations came down, but not the tree. I'm still enjoying the twinkling lights. Glad to know I'm not the only one!!

Kim said...

Hope everyone is feeling better real soon. I too have been fighting sinus crud since before christmas. I have not been to the doc, this may sound funny but just don't have time.Thanks for the update on your family and hope to see you at the next crop.

Jamie said...

It is great to hear from you.
Hope everyone is feeling better this week!

Bethany Engstrom said...

Wow...you must be tired! Having everyone sick at the same time can be so much work. My daughter has been sick several times (and that's only ONE child), and during those times, I really felt like I was becoming more worn out then every. So I can understand why you are so relieved things are looking up! I love your list of resolutions...similar to mine!


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