Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ten On Tuesday....just a little late...

I just have to be honest and admit it goes...When I walked in the kitchen door last night, I ate supper with the family and really didn't do much else....and I crashed onto the couch...the next thing I knew it was time for bed.

So Ten On Tuesday had to wait....

Here it is and enjoy!

Top Ten Things You May Not Have Known About Us 

  1. Shane has a minor in Astronomy. 

  2. Heather lived in Hawaii for a brief time when she was a little girl.

  3. Mallory and Kennedy both weighed 8lbs, 3oz and were 20 inches long when they were born.

  4. Shane and Heather met through the internet 8 years ago.

  5. Shane is a drummer.

  6. Shane is a Pittsburg Steelers fan.

  7. Mallory has four loose teeth.

  8. Kennedy is taking ballet and tap dancing classes.

  9. Heather has travelled to Russia, Greece, Israel, and Egypt.

  10. Shane is the only one in our family with green eyes.

Wow...that was harder than I thought it would be to come up with ten things....I am sure that after I post this I will think of things that I should have added....oh well it's your turn...give us ten things we may not have known about you and your family.

Can't wait to read about them.


Amy Mowbray said...

This will be fun. I'l do my list tomorrow. Thanks for posting this.

Amy Mowbray said...

This will be fun. I'l do my list tomorrow. Thanks for posting this.

Telah said...

Some of your ten I knew, but most I did not. Thanks for enlightening me! Here's mine.
1)Daniel once held a state record for Pole Vault in track.
2)Although we spell our last name with 2 n' was originally spelled with only one...Wren.
3)For Halloween this year,Andrew is going to be Bob the Builder, Annessa is a Kitty Cat, and Alex is a little Pumpkin.
4)We lived in a Camper and a Basement while we built our house.
5)Andrew was almost born on Christmas Day.
6)I've lost 5 pounds! Yay me.
7)I have 2 sisters and 1 brother who are quite a bit older than me.
8)I love chocolate and peanut butter together.
9)I have lived in North Carolina and Florida besides living here in Alabama.
10)Daniel and I were engaged the Fall of my Senior year of high school.


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